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주보 14-05호 (20140402) “Spring Resurrection” 샐로버 교수

작성일 14-04-09 00:00   /   조회 94,192


Spring Resurrection 셀로버 교수님 Ezekiel Chapter 37:1-6 Ezekiel Chapter 37:7-10 Ezekiel Chapter 37:11-14 True Father's Message Today when the resurrected Lord comes on the world level, the ones who can meet the Lord first are those who do not sleep and rest in spite of their desire, which shed tears for heaven while wandering through the mountains and hills with an unsettled heart that cannot be expressed. Let Us Become People Who Participate in the Glory of the Lord June 16, 1957 The Resurrection of the Christian Church The resurrection of the Christian Church at the time of Jesus resurrection Jesus 40-day ministry after his resurrection to gather and empower his disciples to be the Body of Christ The resurrection of the Christian Church is an historical fact that nobody can deny Jewish Resurrection Today Resurrection of the People The Miracle of the Fall of the Soviet Union --and the freeing of Soviet Jews The Cosmic Spring Vision 2020 is a vision of resurrection The general resurrection is happening NOW The resurrection of everyone The appearance of True Father is with True Mother-that's where we can find him. The Miracle of True Mother Centered on True Mother, the Body is reviving The general resurrection is happening NOW The resurrection of everyone The appearance of True Father is with True Mother-that's where we can find him. The Miracle of True Mother Centered on True Mother, the Body is reviving The resurrection of the body-the coming together of the Body of Christ Reuniting, enlivened by the Holy breath of a new Spirit Citizenship in Cheon Il Guk is the Complete Resurrection Aju
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